All Games will be played as follows:
- 3rd Grade through 8th Grade, Divisions (I, II & III) will be 16-minute halves & High School will be 20-minute halves
- 1st Half will be running time until the last 2 minutes of the half
- 2nd Half will be running time until the last 2 minutes of the half; unless the deficit 20 points or above
- Warm Up – 4 minutes
- Halftime – 3 minutes
- Overtime – 2 minutes
- Timeouts: (4) per game; each team earns (1) additional timeout in Overtime
- Free Throws – Players may enter the line upon the release
- Team Forfeits result in a 20-point win
- Upon check-in, each team will be granted 2 all-access tournament passes for coaches [and/or administrators] that will grant them free entry in & out of every tournament venue
- Each team is given a 10 minute grace period before a forfeit is decided upon
- Teams are responsible for providing their own basketballs to warm up. The game ball will be agreed upon by both coaches, unless otherwise designated by the Tournament Director
- Coaches, including Team Staff, and Players ONLY are allowed to be on the team bench during games. Players [in or outside the participating organization], or spectators are NOT ALLOWED to sit on the bench during games
- A 2nd Technical Foul assessed to any Coach or Player automatically results in an immediate removal from the tournament venue for the duration of the game. The Coach or Player is permitted back into the venue at the completion of the game
- This space is reserved for Best Coast Basketball time/score keepers and statisticians ONLY
- All other non-Best Coast Basketball Staff are prohibited from the area
- Those Coaches and Players that are currently participating in that particular game are the ONLY individuals allowed to address the table
- In the event of where 2 teams are tied, a head-to-head comparison will determine the winning team
- If the 2 teams in question did not go head-to-head, we will then calculate the point differential with a 20-point maximum
- If more than 2 teams remain tied, the teams will then be classified according to their point differential; i.e. 1st = Largest Point Differential, 2nd = 2nd Largest….etc.
- All protests can be made prior to tip-off
- Officials & scorekeepers must be notified of the protest and noted on the scoresheet and will then be presented to the Tournament Director or Assistant Tournament Director. (EXCEPTION: Player(s) arriving after the start of the game may be protested at any time.) If the game has already commenced, a formal protest must be reported to the officials & scorekeepers which will then be noted on the scoresheet and then addressed immediately after the game’s conclusion.
- Protests regarding officials or scorekeepers ARE NOT allowed. Protests of an entire team are not. “Third Party Protests” will not be allowed. If you are proven to be incorrect about your protest/challenge, your team/organization will be assessed a $200 fee. Tournament officials’ decisions will be FINAL.
- Parents and spectators are expected to act in good sportsmanship. Negative comments, profanity, racist, sexist or other abusive comments will not be tolerated and are grounds for removal from the facility.
- Please note that, at the discretion of the officials, after 1 warning ONLY, if parents or spectators continue to act blatant in their negative or abusive commentary towards referees, this may result in a Technical Foul issued to the team bench.